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Organization Roles

Board of Directors
  1. The Board of Directors is comprised of a minimum of seven and not more than nine members.

  2. The Board of Directors’ role is to:

    • Approve annual budget, and review/approve quarterly budget reports.

    • Hire an Executive Director and conduct annual performance reviews.

    • Set and review operational policy.

    • Hire individuals for special projects as recommended by the Executive Director.

    • Determine the process for reviewing funding proposals.

  3. The Board of Directors meets quarterly.

  4. The Board of Directors will hold emergency meetings when requested by at least three board members.

Executive Committee
  1. The Executive Committee is comprised of the Executive Director, Board Chair, past Board Chair, and one Board Member at large.

  2. The Executive Committee is responsible for implementing the Annual Plan.

  3. The Executive Committee submits monthly reports to the Board of Directors.

  4. The Executive Committee oversees the organization’s programs and committees.

  5. The Executive Committee manages public relations.

  6. The Executive Committee meets bi-monthly or as needed.

Technology and Virtual Education
  1. Identify and help interested districts learn from existing school-based examples of intercultural virtual learning.

  2. Provide workshops on developing virtual partnerships taking into account time, distance and culture.

  3. Assess school readiness and technology for engagement in global virtual partnerships.

  4. Work with higher education partners to help public schools assess a virtual programs impact on learning.

  5. Develop capacity to provide technology expertise and the application of technology in education

  6. Develop a three-year technology and virtual learning plan and oversee the implementation of the plan.

  7. Hold meetings as needed or as requested by the Executive Committee.

Human Resource Development
  1. Identify individuals throughout Vermont with intercultural experiences and interest in fostering international collaboration in Vermont schools and communities

  2. Develop a human resource directory and knowledgebase of shared experts to assist Vermont schools.

  3. Establish an advisory system for existing regional programs in Cambodia, Laos, West Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam and Thailand hereafter called  Southeast Asia Advisors; Eastern Africa Advisors. Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudan; East Asia Advisory is comprised of Bhutan, Nepal, and India; and, the Caribbean Island of Puerto Rico is the first state of the Caribbean Advisory. The advisory representative of these cultures meet quarterly with their respective regional program   

  4. Form a standing Development Committee made up of teachers, minority representatives, and higher education representatives will develop a three-year action plan to be approved by the Board of Directors.

Fiscal Management and Resource Development
  1. Develop and recommend a fundraising strategy to be approved by the Board of Directors that does the following:

  • Leverages Resources

  • Delegates Responsibility

  • Offers Scalability

  • Measures Success


   2. Review monthly bank statements with the Executive Director.

   3. Recruit seven members with fundraising and fiscal management experience.

   4. Develop fundraising workshops for students interested in doing fundraisers.

Outreach to Support Vermont Schools
  1. The outreach training and support plan will be developed by the Executive Committee to reach all five superintendent regions in Vermont.

  2. The outreach plan will be reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors at their fall meeting.

  3. The outreach plan will include higher education partners in development and implementation.

  4. The outreach plan will be connected to Go Global Vermont fundraising goals.

International Development Projects
  1. Each international development project will designate a Project Coordinator.

  2. Project Coordinators will meet with the Executive Director on a regular basis.

  3. Project Coordinators will promote specific fundraising strategies depending on the source and the project.

  4. Project Coordinators will develop a long-range plan in collaboration with the Executive Director.

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